Sunday, May 11, 2014

Leaving for Haiti tomorrow......and you will be WITH US!

As I prepare to leave for Haiti tomorrow, I feel so blessed by the people who will be WITH ME on the trip, but are not GOING on the trip.  They are all of you, who have donated items that are filling our suitcases to the maximum weight, who have helped our team prepare through discussions or prayer, who will work a little bit harder at home for our families or jobs we are leaving behind, and who will continue to hold our team in your hearts and prayers while we are in Haiti this week.  As I write that list, I can see the faces of the people in my life that represent each of those items and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Last night, I received a very special gift from a friend:

This friend was supposed to be GOING on this trip, but through unexpected circumstances, will instead be WITH US on the trip in spirit.  He created this loaf of bread with his own hands and with a heart full of love.  This loaf of bread will be broken as Christ's body during a communion service we will have as a team.  Around the edges of the bread are 15 for each of our 14 team members and one as a symbol for those not physically there....but still WITH US.

Thank you for all of your love and support.  This trip would not be possible without you!

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